Mission Downloads:
Missions GMA 14 and 15 are no longer available unless someone still has them on there computer. Feel free to send them to me if you do.
This is a zip file of all the original missions that have survived. To the best of my knowledge these are all version 2.0 and 2.03 missions. I fly version 2.51 and I haven't attempted to fly these missions. Thanks to BrzI for sending them to me. The earlier missions were a little different from the ones we do now. The aggressor's assets were placed and it was up to you to plan and place the assets at your disposal to counter the aggressor's attack. I found this to be enjoyable but it was quite time consuming and there was little interest in the Flanker community to devote that much time to this kind of exercise. |
Ground Attack mission against an airfield in foggy conditions. Kind of tough. |
Ground Attack mission against another airfield. Easier than GMA 13. |
Intercept mission against A10's, F16's and F18's. Difficult. |
Road course. Fastest time wins. |
Fighter Sweep. Your airfield is being attacked as you take off into a furball. Neat mission. |
Anti-Radar, then a Ground Attack mission. |
The Kuznetsov is sank right before your eyes as you are landing and it's a long way to an airfield. |
This is the granddaddy of them all, a two part mission, the first being an air superiority mission with you on the losing side of the game. The second part is you on a NATO Ground Attack mission. |
Ground Attack of a well defended biological research facility. |
Anti-Ship. You sink the Moskow with the Kh-41 Anti-Ship missile. |
Air Superiority with you possibly on the winning side. |
You shoot down some Kh-55 cruise missiles with cannon fire. |
Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses. Another neat mission. |
The SEAD mission from hell. Tough. You have to fly low at night within the kill zone of SAMs. |
You have to start this mission with a refueling. I almost gave you enough time to do this. |
Close Air support mission. You take off from a forward air base to defend a small town from an enemy tank assault. A nice training mission. |
The Ultimate Slalom course. Probably the best slalom course you will ever fly. Best time was 9m00s. This was one of the funnest missions I have ever flown. |
My first campaign. It's pretty simple. You must establish air superiority in the first phase or you die in the second phase. Yeah, it's a bummer, but if you succeed in the first phase you advance to the third phase and begin a ground attack mission. |
Anti-ship mission with rockets against a Kuznetsov air craft carrier in dock. You must then egress to your carrier ahead of the Ukrainian air force. A pretty easy mission. |
Three Part Air to Air campaign. It was one of my better missions. You start with the Su-33 (really, this time), progress to the Mig-29 then finish with a six plane furball in the Su-27 with R-73s. A great way to practice with your helmet-mounted target designation system. |
This was the mission I thought was impossible to complete and within a week of posting it I had two completed tracks in my mail box. So, yes it's difficult, but not impossible. You need to remove a SAM threat without using anti-radar missiles while defeating enemy aircraft in your spare time..... |
This one was pretty good. You start by flying the lead anti-radar aircraft, you then proceed to a ground attack role with gravity bombs, followed by an Air-to-Air challenge. This mission was of medium difficulty. |
Carrier based ground attack mission with the Kh-29Te missile. Not too difficult. |
This is another air superiority mission where you must defend the motherland from a Russian carrier offensive. How many enemy aircraft from one carrier can you kill? |